Saturday, April 4, 2009


Another night another ride. We meet up, some are slow getting there and we aren't out and about until a little past 11. No matter the ride from my house was great, it had been raining all day and the roads were slick. We head out after a beer or two up College St. a large,steep, killer of a hill. Trough town and down through campus, there are a lot of "HEY LANCE" and "FAGS". Its fine, we were also called the "Green Hells Angles" a few times, that was kind of cool. With cool rain air and the spray from the wheel in front of you and a buzz from beer it was a nice ride. We head to out first party, just off campus, the place was packed, a band down stairs and a big mix of all sorts of people. We hang there, bumming everyone out, our friend cut a mullet the night before and made it his mission to get Red Neck wild, with a Bud heavy forties and short shorts he did just that. For the most part no one knows anyone at the party, but we manage to mingle in and talk to a few people before breaking into small groups outside. A little past midnight there are some bike cops spotted, needless to say they are sort of the carrier pigeons for the squad cars and it seemed the party was about to be swarmed. We assemble the team and head for our bike, it takes some time to get ourselves together and the bikes to be unpeeled from one another. Well it seemed we were not going fast enough for one host, and he began to yell at us, calling us a few names, but what he didn't understand is that at that time we were in a church parking lot having nothing to do with his party. Some people just want to start shit, we told him we were waiting for a friend to get his light that fell and we would be on our way. Back out into the cool air spray of April. We head further down the road to a house where we know good people live.The road there is an absolute shit storm of potholes and one of us gets a flat. This is where the night changed, we all went from being a little pissed off to realizing how fun this was. Though there was a flat we all pulled together, getting him a tube, levers, a pump wrench and getting him on the road, for a time. We get to the house and are welcome with open arms, not to many people there maybe ten and then the ten of us. Music was going and we fucking dance. Met a few people, danced and hand a good time.

Sometimes that is just how it goes on our Friday nights. No one thought we would be out, but we were, and in good numbers. We stuck together and helped each other out. Later on we went back to my house and just were loud and I don't really know if anyone said anything that made any sense other than goodbye, but it was fun and I thank you all again for these great night.

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