Friday, June 17, 2011

Day Two 6/17/11

Another early morning, different time zone, and my muscles are aching. But the ocean salt soothes my nostrils as Bruce comes in and wakes me. Brian Andrew and I were up until about one prepping the bikes and vans for inspection today. We finished the night off with a few Tecates and hit the hay. After a double and triple check of bikes and vans we were ready to move out into the beach and have everything looked over. We passed with flying colors and headed back to the hotel. We all got back and took some photos for our sponsors then drank some coffee. The morning changed from a cool grey to a stereotypical California afternoon. The guys went out for a ride and Andrew and I went into town to visit the many Army Navy stores in Oceanside. For the most part today was kept busy just looking around and getting everything in order for the day of craziness that is to come tomorrow. We leave for the East Coast tomorrow, more then.

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